Public Climate Week - Vorträge

In der Woche vom 20.- 24.11 finden Vorlesungen und Vorträge zum Thema Klimawandel, -schutz und -gerechtigkeit statt. Die Fakultät 05 ist mit den folgenden Vorträgen beteiligt:
Datum: 22.11.2023, 18:00 Uhr.
Veranstaltung: Energy Democracy: A Social movement for energy system Transition in the face of climate change
Dozentin: Prof. Dr. Andrea Feldpausch-Parker, derzeit Teaching Fellow der HM an der Fakultät 05
As a relatively young social movement at about a decade in the making, energy democracy is an attempt to put justice and equity at the forefront of global energy systems transitions. As climate change has society grappling with moving away from fossil fuels to more sustainable, renewable energy options, it is also an opportune time to address persistent social issues with energy production, transmission, and consumption. This presentation will describe the growing movement while also presenting a research framework examining how the movement is attempting to achieve its goals.
Raum: Dachauerstraße 100a, T2.021 und Übertragung per Zoom:
Datum: 22.11.2023, 18:30 Uhr
Veranstaltung: A Tale of Toy Deer: When sea level rise threatens an already endanger species
Dozent: Dr. Israel Parker, Wissenschaftler am Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute
The Florida Key deer, also known as toy deer due to their small size, are an endangered subspecies of white-tailed deer in the Florida Keys, an island archipelago off the coast of Florida in the United States. As a species endemic to these islands, their habitat has been shrinking for decades due to human development. Now, what habitat is left is slowly being lost to sea level rise from climate change. Having researched these animals for almost 20 years, I will describe their current situation as well as what is in store for these charismatic animals.
Raum: Dachauerstraße 100a, T2.021 und Übertragung per Zoom